Tuesday, July 22, 2008

[HRM]: The First Experiences in NEDA XI

I just want to share the first experiences of our group in our adopted company...

NEDA XI [National Economic and Development Authority-Region XI] is our adopted company for Human Resource Management(HRM) subject field study.

The First Visit

Perhaps a memorable day to us. Because we didn't had a glimpse of what would happen as much as we don't really know the exact location of our adopted company - except the address of their building. You see, none of us had been there in such place. So we were all scouting for the perfect spot. Because of the uncertainty we felt during the moment we were riding in the jeepney, we stopped at a certain spot where I knew we can 'trace' the building - by walking. Sigh. There are no particular jeepney which could pass by the said road. And so, we hiked. Each of us looking for roadsigns in crossings we passed. Whew! We never expected it would be a looong day. What made it 'memorable' was that one of my groupmates ruined her shoe in the long run. She was complaining that she can't walk long enough and so we bought a rugby in on of the hardwares on the street. After that we continued our journey. (-_-) Finally, we got into the office (it was on a not-so-exposed location - so unfamiliar place) and handed the letter asking permission to let us do a study to their HR department. "-) The person who received the letter told us to call again for the schedule of the interview. Boy, they thought we were applying for an OJT.

The Day of the Supposed-to-be Interview

My groupmates and I had already prepared for the 'actual interview' in NEDA XI. I must admit its not actually a perfect timing for all of us. The company made the schedule for the interview, and so, since we didn't have a choice, we have to consider their vacant period. But when we got there, the person-in-charge of the interview referred us to another person to be interviewed who, at that moment, was nowhere to be seen. [We should finish the interview in time, you see, coz we still have classes after.] We just spent time there waiting - in vain. The person-in-charge of us (what I mean is the person we just called to) came out and announced that the interview would be postponed because the person she was referring to was not around and was not sure if he could come. In short, the interview was postponed on the next Monday. (-_-)

The Day of the Actual Interview
July 7, Monday

Only four of us (one of my groupmates had a class and she couldn't come) went to NEDA. But with us is a 'companion', the incharge of the documentation procedure. Lol. I'm referring to one of my classmates who was not actually enrolled in the subject but volunteered to help us. Thanks to her, we focused on the interview and she managed to capture the moment - on cam.

The one who made the appointment, NEDA XI Administrative Officer IV of the said institution, greeted us and asked for some sample questions about our interview. She then referred us to their boss, the Chief Administrative Officer, who would be our interviewee. (--,) Gee, we expect to have the HR manager (who happened to be the Admin Officer IV) as our interviewee since we want the HR Manager / Dept. Head of the institution but well, her reason was that he knows everything. (",)

The unexpected twist happened when NEDA XI Admin Chief said to us that he just wanted to give us the printed copy of whatever questions we had in our paper (actually that was made by Kate for the interviewer and NOT for the eyes of the interviewee). But since the HR Manager inspected the questions beforehand and passed it to him so we didn't have any choice. Plus, we thought that it would be an advantage to our part since we will be having a hard copy of their opinion. Chief's concern was that he wanted to see to it that whatever we will be discussing would be exactly what they imparted to us, so to say, the word-for-word statements he would be saying. Well, I understand their part, but maybe they just wanted to play safe you know.

So to cut the story short (now that this has gone long) we just 'played' as if we were actually interviewing Chief on cam. That was for the sake of documentation however. But it was the better part than the verbatim hard copy he gave to us. Later you will know the rest of the story about the outcome of our interview with NEDA XI.


Kate said...

hi, cham...

admittedly, i was also disappointed when we didn't get to interview them on the first try... i wanted to be there during the interview so i thought that the first schedule was just great.

however, because of some 'latecomers', we weren't able to do the interview and it was pushed back to a later date when i can't go...


*i'd appreciate your comments, too...*

Anonymous said...

OMG cham!! u went to NEDA?? waw. congrats. i cud see that you really had fun. I've read some more of your posts cham, and I enjoyed reading it! I'm glad you're a blogger, now! Long time! Kathy Mar ni Cham, kaila paka? hahha!