Monday, July 7, 2008

Web Forum[HRM]: HRM is included in the curriculum bcoz...

[Note: This is a reply to the post in Mr. G.'s Web Forum (HRM). Assignment 5: Why do you think HRM is included in the BSCS / BSIT curriculum?]

Based primarily on the meaning of each word, "Human Resource Management" is the managing or directing / controlling the human resources or shall we say, the manpower essentials of a certain company. Now, why is the subject IT-314 (Human Resource Management) included in the BSIT / BSCS curriculum? Well, for a fact that HRM is also included in the curriculum of other course, I must say that this we, as IT (and CS) students have the rights to have this as one of our subjects. One major factor or reason, I shall say, is that the subject provides us the knowledge of how human resources are being taken of, for example, in a company. Here we study and learn the value of human resource in the industry. But it's not the mere experience of having knowledge about how the human resource operates or manages. It's how we apply these learnings to the actual side when we will be having our jobs in the future. We know that HRM deals more about PEOPLE - as the essentials or the workforce of the company. Thus, included here is how to deal with manpower, its various roles and functions, how to maintain and develop it, etc. In the near future we would be dealing with our own boss(es) and colleagues. For sure what we have learned basically about this subject will equip us with information on how to be: a 'good player' in the field of work where we may be assigned, on how to maintain harmonious relationship esp. between the boss (superior) and employee/s. This matters to us, students for we will be dealing with our own employers and co-employees when we get to our jobs.

Oh c'mon, where has all the smileys gone?!


Dolorosa G. Mancera said...

well, being an IT student like you chama..
i really agree that we should also know what is HUman Resource Management is because in the near future we will also be dealing with the people in the industry.
It is really great to have HRM as part of our curriculum for us to know our responsibilities and rights as an employer someday..

Marren Joy said...

Yes, HRM is really great indeed as one of our subject. I agree when you said that someday having a knowledge about HRM is an advantage in our part when having a job.

fatima paclibar said...

we belong in a community...we are not alone...we need to interact with others. dealing with people in our future career is very important.