Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Updates in Major Paper 2

Good news! My groupmate, Jethro Querubin managed to call our adopted company NCCC and brought home the bacon! I mean, the news! We are finally going to visit the company for an interview! Nice work, Jet! Lol.

And so we have to prepare for our guide questions for the assessment of the company's Information Systems Department. We have actually submitted a list of our queries to the office (mentioned in Updates 1) so I guess what we're going to ask more are clarifications and some 'add-ons'. Hehehe. Of course, we need to understand every detail of their system to make a clarified analysis of their situation.

I am looking forward for the success of this interview and hopefully we could gather 'meaty' reports from the office. I'm just crossing my fingers that this is not a 'once-and-for-all-don't-visit-again' interview. Lol.

Anyway, the first part of our major paper drafts (I guess!) will be submitted later because we are waiting for the details of our visit. But I am hoping we could make it and beat the deadline!

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