Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Hello guys.. Well, here I am again in this memorable day in history. Let me greet you a happy day and I wish all of us the best in this day and onwards...!

September 9, 2009
[ 090909 ]

This is a day in which the number combinations of the date (month, day, year) are all the same. And this only happens once in every 1000 years! Whew. I just think today is a significant day. Hehehe

To all whose birthday falls on to this day, I wish you a happy birthday. And to all who celebrates their anniversaries and other special events on this day, i wish you all the best.


Ann Martin said...

Yes, today is an auspicious day!

Mus said...

choie diay ang birthday ni Tep2

R.S Mallari said...

I am relieved that it is not 6 whew!
I also read some of your articles, I'm impress with your command of the language.

Mus said...

pero 8 man gud ako least 1 day behind...