Sunday, September 28, 2008


"A life without principles is not worth living." So here are some of my top-of-the-tops treasured self-made, and quoted sayings. Read it, and who knows? It may help you... :-) These are not just for myself but also for the benefit of everybody who may happen to read this.

~Sacrifices have their rewards. Rewards have their sacrifices.
~Save the BEST for LAST.
~Know your LIMITATIONS. Accept your weaknesses. Use your strengths - to benefit mankind.
~Look before you leap! Always weigh things in certain situations before making a decision.
~Don't just decide ONLY for yourself. Think if you're in other person's situation.
~Assume great RESPONSIBILITY. It's your way of getting into maturity.
~Schedule your tasks! Manage your time! And follow your strategic planning most of the time. ~Don't be a PROCRASTINATOR! Or at least avoid being one..
~God gave us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Can't you give Him back just ONE hour for just ONE day?! Go to church and celebrate the Holy Eucharist.
~Show your skills. He gave us talents, it is rightful to enrich it and share it.
~Try to resist temptation. At least try to look at the positive side.
~Ask help. You can't do everything yourself.
~Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't afford a lifetime to learn only from your own. Remember, a mistake is a chance for improvement.
~Follow-up..A mistake uncorrected becomes a double mistake.
~Love your parents. Respect your elders. Befriend your neighbor. They're the ones whom you can turn to when you're down.
~Talk to older people. It will help you become wiser.
~Participate in sensible discussions. Most valuable lessons are learnt outside the four corners of the classroom.

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