Thursday, September 6, 2007

LeSsoN LeaRnED...! impromptu typing isn't that..good or bad?

WhaT a daY!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I went to school early in the morning (even if our arts class will be at 2 o'clock in the afternoon) so to type my literature assignment - short story! Tsk... I had a hard, long time making my draft about that...i even had spent time thinking for a certain topic when it was first announced by our teacher...duh?!) and so...I only made a framework of my story. I know i wouldn't be able to finish a DRAFT for a short span of time! (-_-)

Unfortunately, I have not spent most of my time at the school comp.lab. Then I found myself waiting impatiently for a vacant computer unit at a certain internet cafe together with my two other classmates...

And what an experience! I spent more or less 6 hours just making an original short story! My classmates have already finish making their own...while I...goodness gracious!..was only at the "rising-action" part... My fingers were already freezing cold and my stomach was grumbling in protest. I was really squeezing my mind last night just to make a good flow of the story. Tsk! Thanks to ... it was my online resource where I could get synonyms and related words for my redundant terms.. haha!

Lesson learned: Impromptu typing (or making a story in front of the blinking computer monitor) is worse than I ever thought...(huh? (".) alyssa?) oh, yeah...I just tried it this time wondering if it would work...for me... (^_^)

Hmmm....I have second thoughts about posting my short story here...(it's quite...long...(",) haha.. or so I think!) Well, we'll see...

1 comment:

Alyssa Rae Soriano said...

i'M gLad thAt you lEarned sOmething fRom iT.hehe

aNd,i rEAlly aPpreciATE your poST,bcOz mY namE was wruTten in thERE.

hEY,dOn't fOrgET to dRop mE a CommeNt hUh!